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Maintaining your well-being while leading a busy life can feel daunting. But by incorporating a few key habits into your daily routine, you can make a big difference to how you feel. Here are three simple strategies for giving your body and mind a boost.

1. Level up your exercise routine 

Of course, regular physical activity is a cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle. And happily for those who aren’t big lovers of a gym routine, even moderate activities like walking or yoga can still make a substantial difference. The key is consistency. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity each week. Exercise helps to control weight, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, strengthen bones and muscles, and improves cardiovascular health. It also plays the important role of stimulating the production of endorphins (natural mood lifters) that can fight depression and anxiety, improve sleep quality and boost energy levels.

2. Pay closer attention to what you eat

You are what you eat: nutrition is vital not just for your physical health, but your overall well-being too. There are of course many approaches — high protein, low carb, calories in-calories out, keto and lots more — and a doctor or dietician is the best choice if you’re interested in a clinical approach. But another way is to embrace an intuitive eating mindset. Sometimes referred to as ‘the anti-diet’, it involves trusting your body’s internal cues and habits instead of adhering to rigid diet rules. By tuning in your body’s signals, you can better understand and meet your nutritional needs, which can help dismantle the guilt and stress often associated with eating. Intuitive eating also fosters body positivity and self-acceptance, reducing the risk of disordered eating patterns and enhancing your mental health.

3. Make time to practice mindfulness

Mindfulness is the practice of being conscious of one’s internal states and surroundings  (such as your effects on the planet and the people around you) and bringing non-judgmental awareness to the present moment . Living a mindful life is one that relishes the opportunity to nurture your body and mind, including indulging in the joy of passions and hobbies — whether that’s the ritual of making and enjoying a favourite drink, or making something beautiful just because. These activities help you cut out the noise and truly enjoy the moment. For those who struggle to be present, meditation and breathing exercises can help reduce rumination and negative thoughts and help you practice staying in the now. Mindfulness can help reduce stress, improve focus and enhance emotional well-being.

If you’re looking to elevate your wellness experience even further, get involved in our Wellness To Go initiative. Check out all the information and sign up here.
